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Главная / Музыканты / v-sard


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Добавлен: 2010-08-02 Просмотров за сегодня: 1 | Всего просмотров: 3818 | Всего голосов: 0
Артист v-sard, полная информация
Отдай голос за артиста!!!
Артист: v-sard
Жанр: Музыканты
Стоимость: 150 000 руб.

Об артисте:
V-Sard is one of the very few talented musicians who works in almost all spheres of music. He is a multi-genre composer/songwriter. His works range from commercially attractive instrumentals and songs to film soundtracks, anthems and large-scale compositions, music for documentaries and TV programs. Many of his works are very popular in his home country. The composer's music has been used for different openings, competitions, radio and TV commercials, etc. V-Sard has worked with many artists in Armenia and abroad. He is also an established pianist and music producer. V-Sard (Birth name Vardan E. Sardaryan) started his career as a pianist at a very early age. In his home town, one of the most beautiful parts of Southern Armenia - Kapan, he was known as young ‘Chopin’, a gifted child, who would play Chopin’s nocturnes and waltzes by ear at the age of 4. When V-Sard was 6 years old he had already written two songs. There was an article in a local newspaper about his extraordinary talent. After studying music in local music school and then musical college for 11 years, V-Sard was successfully accepted to Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas, where he studied in Professor Anna Ambakumyan’s class for the next 5 years. During his studies he demonstrated himself as a brilliant musician when participating in different local and international competitions as a pianist. At the same time V-Sard would attend composition classes and develop his already recognized composing skills. After graduating from the Conservatory V-Sard was invited to work as a school director in Kapan music school. During those years the musician also established his own chamber group “Syune”, which would exclusively perform his own works. The year of 1996 was a turning point in V-Sard’s career when he was invited to work as a Musical Editor at the International Association ‘Dobroye Serdtse’ in Moscow, Russia. He worked with famous Russian singers such as Irina Alegrova, Valeriy Leontyev, famous Russian composer Alexey Garnizov, “Todes” dance group, famous Russian dancer M. Isambayev, famous Russian actress comedian Clara Novikova (music arrangements for her plays), producer Nerses Hovhannisyan (Mosfilm) and others. Cooperation with these artists helped V-Sard gain more experience and take his career as a songwriter/producer/arranger to the next level. Upon his return to his home country in 1999 he established new connections and received different offers as a composer. He wrote music for “Gavrosh” (a play based on Victor Hugo’s “Les Miserables”) in ‘Patani Handisates’ State Theatre in Yerevan, Armenia. Soon he got a different offer from “Versus” film studio in Yerevan to write music for the documentary “Mistery of Minas” (a film about famous Armenian painter Minas Avetisyan), a project with Ara Shirinyan as the film producer. V-Sard also signed a contract with “Shoghakat” Television Company in Yerevan, Armenia as well as “Hayastan” Pan-Armenian Fund to work as a composer. Having considerable accomplishments as a composer V-Sard is also we-known as a talented songwriter (more than 50 songs), producer and music arranger (arrangements for several albums). In the year of 2000 V-Sard started working with Armenian singer Mister X as the Music Director for his band. In addition to rehearsals and tours with the band, he was also working on the arrangements for the singer’s studio and concert albums. One of V-Sard’s songs called “Silence” was later performed by Mister X and recorded in Chicago Recording Company, USA. In 2006 V-Sard established his own recording studio, where he later produced his first album with singer Lilya Barak. V-Sard is the author of the majority of the songs and all music arrangements in the album. The CD will be released soon. Currently V-Sard is working on a new big project for European and U.S. markets. Meanwhile, he continues creating beautiful music and is ready to work with new artists if they have outstanding talent and good personality.

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Постоянная ссылка на артиста "v-sard": https://bazaartistov.com/artist/vsard.html


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